

The Magnificent Ambersons 3

I found the Ambersons. And I'll sum up by saying, Georgie Minafer turned out to be a real asshole, got heated up over some shit that was really none of his business, and turned everything into a shitfest. He did it all in a very typical and apparently enduring adolescent male fashion. He didn't want his mom to date Mr. Morgan - Lucy's father - who was obviously really nice and truly cared for her, and threw a bunch of fits and acted horribly and tore them apart. Which is definetely something my brother has done, but my mother is certainly less accomodating than Mrs. Minafer was and we have no fortune to lose, so things turned out better for us even though we remain un-magnificent.

George eventually sees the error of his dickfaced ways...but only after he has distroyed his relationship with Lucy and his mother dies still too impressed and enamored of him to make any but the feeblest gesture to indicated that yeah, she would have liked to marry that guy after all...or at least see him one last time before she kicked the bucket. George tries to make amends, caring for his aunt by taking a very risky job involving nitroglicerin and bumpy roads. He eventually gets run over by a car, which leads to a tearful reunion in the county hospital between him and Lucy and Mr. Morgan. George has been suficiently beaten by life to conceed that maybe he doesn't know everything, maybe he could use a little help, and maybe he'll manage to see past himself and love someone else. I guess the lesson about america is that everyone will eventually be taken down a peg. Its too big and too constantly growing for anyone to rule the place for very long without their wanton hubris being exposed and the tide of bigger, better, cheaper, newer wresting power from them. What comes next may be questionable, but good or bad, nothing lasts forever in the USA.

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